Nicholle Manners
Senior Vice President
New York City
Yale University | B.A. Political Science, Interdisciplinary Concentration Ethnic Politics

What she brings to the team
- An audience-first mindset and 15+ years’ experience navigating corporate, political, and nonprofit communications challenges
- Methodological range, a passion for innovation, and a laser focus on finding answers to tough questions
- Experience as a client and as a consultant – a corresponding knack for making the complex plain and actionable
Ask her about
- Code switching versus masking, and the value of authenticity
- Birth order, astrology – just about any popular framework for understanding human behavior
- Puppy developmental phases and training regimens
Words to live by
“If you talk to a man in a language he understands, that goes to his head. If you talk to him in his own language, that goes to his heart.”
—Nelson Mandela