Tag Archives: personalization

The 3 Themes of the Midterm Elections

November 16, 2022

President Lee Carter and CEO Michael Maslansky are joined by Partner Ben Feller to uncover the three main themes that are defining this midterm cycle. And why the message that resonates in each of these themes is usually from the party or candidates playing offense rather than defense.

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You Need a Personal Messaging Strategy

November 16, 2022

President Lee Carter is joined by Partners Keith Yazmir and Ben Feller for a conversation on how to use language strategy in your everyday life — from meetings, to customer service interactions, to any presentation setting.

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You Win the Debate by Framing the Debate

October 25, 2022

President Lee Carter and CEO Michael Maslansky are joined by Partner Ben Feller to talk about the value of personalization, why keeping it simple in your messaging gets you further, and what the idea of credibility and plausibility mean in a post-truth era.

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