Tag Archives: language strategy

2021’s Language Strategy Trends

December 22, 2021

Our job is to help companies track the changes in perception of their messages and make essential shifts to their communication strategy to keep up. Here are a few of the biggest trends we helped clients navigate this year.

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Why you should expect the expected

December 7, 2021

We recently spoke with Senior Vice President Maria Boos about her passion for issue readiness. She explains why every company should be prepared with libraries of language that allow them to respond quickly, credibly, and consistently when “chatter” happens.

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International Vaccine Passport Language Strategy

September 27, 2021

As we enter the second autumn of the Covid-19 pandemic, governments continue to seek ways to encourage people to follow protective measures. And while debates rage around the justification – and legality – of government-imposed mandates, the idea of some sort of vaccine passport seems to have caught on in many parts of the world.

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Your sustainability story, sans buzzwords

July 9, 2021

When done right, an effective sustainability story can strengthen your business by uniting employees, customers, and shareholders around a common goal. To craft a sustainability story that resonates with employees and consumers, it’s critical to translate your sustainability story into simpler language. Here’s how you can start.

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